
In this repository we can deploy to three different environments:

  • deploy/faf - the FAF game type. This is the default release branch and is used by matchmaker
  • deploy/fafbeta - the FAF Beta Balance game type. This branch only contains balance changes and bug fixes.
  • deploy/fafdevelop - the FAF Develop game type. This branch contains all current changes that are in development.

All three branches originate from the develop branch, which is the default branch of the remote on Github. Pushing commits towards any of the deployment branches is sufficient to trigger a deployment to the given game type.

Deployment procedures for the FAF game type

The deployment procedure can be a lengthy process because it involves various stages. All the stages are explained below.

Deployment of engine patches

The deployment of engine patches to the release branch is a manual process. This is intentional from a security perspective - it provides a second pair of eyes from a server administrator who is usually not directly related to the game team.

  • (1) Make sure that any open changes that you want to include are merged to the master branch of the Binary patches repository.
  • (2) Update the executable of the FAF Develop and FAF Beta Balance game types using the Upload workflow.

The workflow requires an approval of another maintainer. Once approved, wait for the workflow to finish.

  • (3) Verify the executable on the FAF Develop game type.
  • (4) Ask a server administrator to prepare the executable to be updated upon the next game release. This practically involves a copy operation where the server administrator verifies the executable of FAF Develop and copies it to a different location.

You can continue the deployment steps, but you can not finalize it until the server administrator got back to you that it is set. This may take an arbitrary amount of time so make sure this is done well in advance.

Deployment of Lua

  • (0) Checkout on the develop branch and pull in the latest version. Make sure that there are no other open changes.
  • (1) Create a new branch that originates from develop. We’ll refer to this branch as the changelog branch.
  • (2) Generate the changelog using the Changelog generation workflow.
  • (3) Once the workflow is completed, navigate to the summary section and download the artifact that is created by the workflow.
  • (4) Save the generated changelog to a new file in the format in docs/_posts. As an example for a file name:
  • (5) Verify and update the content of the changelog is complete.
    • (5.1) Add the front matter (what is in between ---) at the top, for example:
layout: post
title: Game version 3811
permalink: changelog/3811
    • (5.2) Add an introduction at the top of the changelog.
    • (5.3) Add the contributors at the bottom.
  • (6) Stage, commit and push the changes to GitHub. Create a pull request on GitHub to allow other maintainers to review the changelog. Make sure the pull request points to develop.
  • (7) Delete the current snippets and stage, commit and push the changes to GitHub.
  • (8) Update the game version in mod_info.lua and version.lua and stage, commit and push the changes to GitHub.

At this point you need to wait until the changelog branch is merged.

  • (9) Push everything that you want to release from develop to the master branch.

Deployment - final steps

  • (1) Create a release on GitHub that targets the master branch.
    • (1.1) Set the tag with the game version.
    • (1.2) Match the format of the title with that of previous releases.
    • (1.3) Copy and paste the changelog into the description. Make sure to remove the title as a release has its own title.
    • (1.4) Create the release.
  • (2) Use the Deploy to FAF Workflow to perform the deployment.

The workflow requires an approval of another maintainer. Once approved, wait for the workflow to finish.

Once all this is run you can review the status of the deployment by the server in the production environment. Once that returns green the deployment succeeded and you can inform the community of the deployment. Congratulations!

Automated deployments

There are three workflows to help with deployment:

The workflows for Beta Balance and Develop trigger periodically. You can review when by evaluating the cron expression. The API of FAForever registers the push to a deployment branch via a webhook. The server creates (and updates) a deployment status. During that process the server retrieves the game related files, processes it and when everything is fine the new game version will be available in roughly 5 to 10 minutes.

A push to deploy/faf will also trigger secondary deployments: