Patch 3696 (26 May, 2018)


  • Aeon
    • Personal Shield Generator
      • BuildCostMass: 1000 → 1300
      • BuildTime: 1000 → 1300
    • Heavy Personal Shield Generator
      • BuildCostEnergy: 93750 → 123750
      • BuildCostMass: 1500 → 2300
      • BuildTime: 1750 → 2450
      • ShieldMaxHealth: 29000 → 25000
      • ShieldRegenRate: 37 → 32
  • UEF
    • Nano-Repair System
      • NewHealth: 2000 → 1500
    • Personal Shield Generator
      • BuildCostMass: 1500 → 2300
      • ShieldMaxHealth: 24000 → 19000
      • ShieldRegenRate: 35 → 30
    • Shield Generator Field
      • BuildCostMass: 3000 → 3600
      • BuildTime: 2800 → 3400
  • Seraphim

    • Refracting Chronotron Amplifier
      • AdditionalDamage: 750 → 620
      • BuildCostMass: 4800 → 5400
      • BuildTime: 4200 → 4600
    • Nano-Repair System
      • BuildCostEnergy: 42000 → 56000
      • BuildCostMass: 1200 → 1800
      • BuildTime: 1200 → 1800
      • NewHealth: 3000 → 2000
    • Enhanced Nano-Repair System
      • BuildCostMass: 4500 → 5800
      • BuildTime: 4200 → 4600
  • T3 Land Combat

    • Harbinger
      • Health: 4600 → 3050
      • Shield Health: 1300 → 1000
      • Shield Regen Rate: 9 → 30
      • Shield Recharge Time: 63 → 40
      • ShieldRegenStartTime: 3 → 2
      • Power Drain: 25 → 30
      • BuildTime: 4500 → 3600
      • Speed: 3 → 2.85
      • Acceleration: 3 → 3.2
      • Turn Rate: 120 → 130
      • Damage: 300 → 320
      • Rate of Fire: 1.25 → 1
      • Range: 28 → 26
      • Muzzle Velocity: 30 → 40
      • DPS: 375 → 320
    • Othuum
      • Health: 6700 → 5000
      • Acceleration: 2.6 → 3.5
      • SizeY: 0.45 → 0.65
      • SizeZ: 2.0 → 2.3
      • First 2 Guns:
        • Damage: 75 → 39
        • Muzzle Velocity: 35 → 40
        • Turret Yaw Speed: 90 → 120
        • Combined DPS: 300 → 156
      • 3rd Gun:
        • Damage: 400 → 525
        • Range: 32 → 28
        • Muzzle Velocity: 30 → 40
        • DPS: 100 → 131
      • Torpedo Weapon:
        • Range: 32 → 28
      • Target Priorities: Othuum now prioritises T3 over T2 over T1 instead of the reverse.
    • Percival
      • Health: 9300 → 7200
      • BuildTime: 6000 → 4800
      • Speed: 2 → 2.1
      • Acceleration: → 2.1
      • TurnRate: 60 → 70
      • Damage: 1600 → 1670
      • Rate of Fire: 0.25 → 0.2
      • Range: 35 → 34
      • Muzzle Velocity: 35 → 38
      • Turret Yaw Speed: 60 → 90
      • DPS: 400 → 334
    • Titan
      • Health: 2200 → 2550
      • Shield: 1200 → 600
      • Recharge Time: 60 → 15
      • Regen Rate: 9 → 20
      • Speed: 4 → 3.8
      • Acceleration: 4 → 4.2
      • Range: 20 → 22
      • Muzzle Velocity: 30 → 35
      • Turn rate: 150 → 120
      • Target Priorities: Titan now prioritises T3 over T2 over T1 instead of the reverse.
    • Brick
      • Health: 9000 → 7500
      • BuildTime: 6000 → 4800
      • Speed: 2 → 2.3
      • Acceleration: 2 → 2.3
      • TurnRate: 60 → 65
      • Main Weapon:
        • Damage: 150 → 125
        • Range: 35 → 32
        • MuzzleVelocity: 35 → 42
        • Turret Yaw Speed: 60 → 90
        • DPS: 375 → 312.5
    • Loyalist
      • Health: 3100 → 3000
      • Speed: 4 → 3.8
      • Acceleration: 4 → 4.2
      • EMP explosion on death:
        • Duration: 2s → 1.4s
        • Affected by Stun: Mobile Units → Mobile Units - except for T4 and ACUs
      • 1st Weapon (Disintegrator Pulse Laser):
        • Damage: 175 → 150
        • Range: 25 → 20
        • DPS: 175 → 150
      • 2nd Weapon (Heavy Electron Bolter):
        • Damage: 12 → 14
        • Range: 25 → 20
        • Muzzle Velocity: 40 → 35
        • TurretYawSpeed: 90 → 120
        • DPS: 30 → 35
    • T3 Ranged Units
      • Sprite Striker
        • Mass Cost: 640 → 720
        • Build Time: 3600 → 4000
        • Health: 450 → 500
        • Speed: 3 → 2.85
        • SizeX: 0.8 → 0.95
        • SizeY: 1.15 → 1.35
        • SizeZ: 0.6 → 0.8
        • Firing Randomness while moving: 0.5 → 0.3
        • Rate of Fire: 0.142 → 0.15
        • MuzzleVelocity: 120 → 90
        • TurretYawSpeed: 90 → 110
      • Usha-Ah
        • Mass Cost: 640 → 800
        • Energy Cost: 8000 → 8800
        • Build Time: 3600 → 4300
        • Health: 500 → 700
        • Speed: 3 → 2.5
        • Acceleration: 3 → 2.5
        • UniformScale: 0.08 → 0.095
        • SizeX: 0.35 → 0.45
        • SizeY: 1.2 → 1.55
        • SizeZ: 0.7 → 0.9
        • Default Fire Mode:
          • Firing Randomness while moving: 0.25 → 0.4
          • Rate of Fire: 0.2 → 0.25
          • Firing Tolerance: 0.5 → 3
          • Muzzle Velocity: 120 → 80
          • TurretYawSpeed: 90 → 70
        • Ranged Fire Mode:
          • Firing Randomness while moving: 0.5 → 0.2
          • Rate of Fire: 0.07 → 0.066
          • TurretYawSpeed: 90 → 50
    • T3 Mobile Artillery
      • Build time is reduced for T3 mobile artillery.
      • Build Time: 4800 → 4300
  • Experimental Units

    • Cybran
      • Monkeylord
        • Build Time: 15750 → 27500
        • Mass Cost: 19000 → 20000
      • Megalith
        • Build Time: 18750 → 60 625
      • Soul Ripper
        • Build Time: 20000 → 56250
      • Scathis
        • Build Time: 50000 → 80000
    • UEF
      • Fatboy
        • Build Time: 21 000 → 47 500
        • Shield Recharge Time: 160 → 120
        • Shield Regen Rate: 64 → 100
        • Power Upkeep cost: 500 → 600
      • Atlantis
        • Build Time: 14 400 → 20 500
      • Novax Center
        • Build Time: 25 000 → 30 000
    • Aeon
      • Galactic Colossus
        • Power Cost: 343 750 → 330 000
        • Build Time: 20 625 → 51500
        • Claws:
          • Fixed a bug with the claws, credit to EQ.
          • Rate of Fire: 1 → 0.15
      • Czar
        • Build Time: 33 750 → 50 625
      • Tempest
        • Build Time: 14 400 → 28 000
        • Muzzle Velocity: 28 → 35
    • Seraphim
      • Ythotha
        • Build Time: 18750 → 46 875
        • Mass Cost: 25 000 → 26 500
        • Power Cost: 312 500 → 330 000
        • Phason Beam Generator Damage: 8000 → 6000
        • Gatling Plasma Cannon Damage: 550 → 610
        • Heavy Sinn Unthe Cannon Damage: 1200 → 1850
        • Flak Damage: 39 → 46
        • Flak Range: 25 → 21
      • Ahwassa
        • Build Time: 36000 → 67500
  • Navy

    • Battleships
      • Seraphim
        • FiringRandomness: 0.3 → 0.25
        • MuzzleVelocity: 30 → 40
      • Aeon
        • TurnRate: 35 → 40
        • MaxSpeed: 3.6 → 3.7
        • Range: 100 → 105
    • Cybran Carrier
      • Fixed the aim on the Anti Air weapon of the carrier.
    • Bulwark
      • Damage Overspill: 15% → 25%
      • Recharge time: 35 → 40
    • Shard
      • Health: 750 → 800
  • Structures

    • T3 Land HQs
      • Mass Cost: 4 920 → 5 220
      • Power Cost: 43 900 → 47 400
      • Build Time: 11 000 → 12 100
    • Ravager
      • Health: 7500 → 6500
      • Mass Cost: 1 800 → 2 000
      • Power Cost: 16 000 → 17 600
      • Build Time: 1 500 → 2000
    • T3 Static Artillery
      • UEF/Cybran/Seraphim/Aeon Range: 750/700/825/900 → 825
    • Cybran
      • Damage: 4600 → 3700
      • Rate of Fire: 0.1 → 0.13
    • T3 Mass Fabricator
      • Adjacency from storage: 4.1667% → 3%
      • Adjacency for SML: 20% → 12.5%
    • Civilian Structures
      • Adjusted Civilian Building Mass values to make them more consistent. Civilian buildings will give 50-150 mass.
    • Cybran Shield
      • Added the ED4 Shield to the list of buildable structures and to the hotbuild keygroup for shields.
  • Overcharge

    • The damage dealt by overcharge now scales with the amount of energy drained from storage.
    • Overcharge will drain as much energy as is required to kill any unit within the area of effect of the OC, or 90% of your stored energy.
    • One energy storage is required to unlock Overcharge.
    • One storage is required to kill T1 and T2 land units.
    • Up to three storages will be required to kill T3 land units.
    • The range of the Area of Effect is now displayed when using Overcharge.
    • The OC indicator will turn orange if you do not have enough energy in storage to kill the unit under the cursor.
    • The OC indicator will turn green if you have enough energy in storage to kill the unit under the cursor.
    • The maximum damage is 15k at a cost of ~45k energy
    • Damage vs buildings and vs commanders is unchanged from the previous system. We have added new icons to indicate whether you have enough energy to kill the unit under your
    • cursor. Gray is for idle, Orange means you dont have enough energy to kill and green means you will kill the unit if you OC it.
  • Veterancy
    • The vet gained from buildings was too high, leading to problems especially with ACU TML.
    • Veterancy gained from damaging non-combat buildings is reduced by 50%
    • Only a single vet level can be gained for any one kill.
  • Teleport

    • Teleporting takes 5 seconds longer. The animation at the teleport destination is unchanged.
  • Miscellaneous
    • T1 Mobile Anti Air
      • Aeon
        • Mass Cost: 55 → 50
        • Damage: 10 → 8
      • UEF
        • Mass Cost: 55 → 50
        • Damage: 16 → 14
      • Seraphim
        • Mass Cost: 55 → 50
        • Damage: 8 → 14
      • Cybran
        • Mass Cost: 55 → 50
        • Damage: 10 → 9
    • Fire Beetle
      • Damage: 3500 → 1500
      • AoE: 4.5 → 6
      • Transport class: 2 → 1
      • Stun ability added. Duration → 2s. Stuns all units except Experimentals
      • Friendly Fire → Disabled
      • Health: 300 → 500
    • T2 Transports
      • Mass Cost: 300 → 330
      • Power Cost: 12000 → 13200
      • Speed: 15 → 14.3
    • Aurora
      • FiringRandomnessWhileMoving: 0.3 → 0.1
      • MuzzleVelocity: 30 → 25
    • Ahwassa
      • BombDropThreshold: 4 → 20
    • T1 Bombers
      • RandomBreakOffDistanceMult: 1 → 1.5
    • Selen
      • Removed the Power drain from the stealth/cloak ability while not moving.


  • Nuke trajectory is now corrected so it travels parallel to the ground.
  • Selens will no longer lose their radar when there is a power stall.
  • Units with personal shields that are unloading from transports will now take damage on their health when hit.
  • The seraphim T2 torp defence wreck is no longer invisible.


  • CookieNoob
  • Exotic Retard
  • JaggedAppliance
  • MrNukealizer
  • Petricpwnz
  • PhilipJFry
  • speed2
  • Strogo
  • Uveso