
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
ban.report_id ban_ibfk_3 R
reported_user.report_id report_id_of_reported_user R
reporter_id MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED 8 null reporter_id_of_moderation_report R
report_description MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null
game_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null game_id_of_moderation_report R

If equal to NULL, the offense did not happen ingame

report_status enum('AWAITING', 'PROCESSING', 'COMPLETED', 'DISCARDED') 10 null

The current status of the report. This will be accessable by the concerned user.

game_incident_timecode VARCHAR 100 null

The timecode of the incident ingame, indicated by the user in their own terms

moderator_notice MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

A public notice left by the moderator which will be addressed to the reporter once the report is marked as either COMPLETED or DISCARDED

moderator_private_note MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

A private notice left by the moderator which any other moderator accessing the record will be able to see.

last_moderator MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED 8 null moderation_report_ibfk_1 R

Last moderator to have updated the report

create_time TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
update_time TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
game_id_of_moderation_report Performance Asc game_id
last_moderator Performance Asc last_moderator
reporter_id_of_moderation_report Performance Asc reporter_id
