
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id VARCHAR 36 null

random uuid (as it’s also used for lookup of state by user)

account_id MEDIUMINT 7 null
state enum('NEW', 'IN_PROCESS', 'FINISHED', 'ERROR') 10 NEW
full_delete BIT 1 null

full_delete=true means the whole account was deleted. This requires no games to be played.

processed_by MEDIUMINT 7 null

Refers to the admin manually processing. Should be null if automatically processed

comment TEXT 65535 null

Allows manual comments for manual processing

created_at TIMESTAMP 19 null
updated_at TIMESTAMP 19 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
account_deletion_requests_account_unique_key Must be unique Asc account_id
