
126 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null
map_pool_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
map_version_id MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED 8 null map_pool_map_version_ibfk_2 R

When null the map_params will be used to generate the map

weight INT 10 1

Integer relative weight to select the map. If all values equal there will be a uniform chance. Values default to 1

map_params TEXT 65535 null

json string which defines the type of map as well as the parameters for the map in the case of generated maps this would be the version, the generator type (e.g. neroxis), the size in pixels (e.g. 512) and the spawns

create_time TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
update_time TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
map_version_id Performance Asc/Asc map_version_id + map_pool_id
