Module server.ladder_service
Manages interactions between players and matchmakers
def game_name(*teams: list[Player]) ‑> str
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def game_name(*teams: list[Player]) -> str: """ Generate a game name based on the players. """ return " Vs ".join(_team_name(team) for team in teams)
Generate a game name based on the players.
class LadderService (database: FAFDatabase,
game_service: GameService,
violation_service: ViolationService)-
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@with_logger class LadderService(Service): """ Service responsible for managing the automatches. Does matchmaking, updates statistics, and launches the games. """ def __init__( self, database: FAFDatabase, game_service: GameService, violation_service: ViolationService, ): self._db = database self._informed_players: set[Player] = set() self.game_service = game_service self.queues = {} self.violation_service = violation_service self._searches: dict[Player, dict[str, Search]] = defaultdict(dict) self._allow_new_searches = True async def initialize(self) -> None: await self.update_data() self._update_cron = aiocron.crontab("*/10 * * * *", func=self.update_data) async def update_data(self) -> None: async with self._db.acquire() as conn: map_pool_maps = await self.fetch_map_pools(conn) db_queues = await self.fetch_matchmaker_queues(conn) for name, info in db_queues.items(): if name not in self.queues: queue = MatchmakerQueue( self.game_service, self.on_match_found, name=name, queue_id=info["id"], featured_mod=info["mod"], rating_type=info["rating_type"], team_size=info["team_size"], params=info.get("params") ) self.queues[name] = queue queue.initialize() else: queue = self.queues[name] queue.featured_mod = info["mod"] queue.rating_type = info["rating_type"] queue.team_size = info["team_size"] queue.rating_peak = await self.fetch_rating_peak(info["rating_type"]) queue.map_pools.clear() for map_pool_id, min_rating, max_rating in info["map_pools"]: map_pool_name, map_list = map_pool_maps[map_pool_id] if not map_list: self._logger.warning( "Map pool '%s' is empty! Some %s games will " "likely fail to start!", map_pool_name, name ) queue.add_map_pool( MapPool(map_pool_id, map_pool_name, map_list), min_rating, max_rating ) # Remove queues that don't exist anymore for queue_name in list(self.queues.keys()): if queue_name not in db_queues: self.queues[queue_name].shutdown() del self.queues[queue_name] async def fetch_map_pools(self, conn) -> dict[int, tuple[str, list[Map]]]: result = await conn.execute( select(,, map_pool_map_version.c.weight, map_pool_map_version.c.map_params,"map_id"), map_version.c.filename, map_version.c.ranked, ).select_from( map_pool.outerjoin(map_pool_map_version) .outerjoin(map_version) ) ) map_pool_maps = {} for row in result: id_ = name = if id_ not in map_pool_maps: map_pool_maps[id_] = (name, list()) _, map_list = map_pool_maps[id_] if row.map_id is not None: # Database filenames contain the maps/ prefix and .zip suffix. # This comes from the content server which hosts the files at # folder_name = re.match(r"maps/(.+)\.zip", row.filename).group(1) map_list.append( Map( id=row.map_id, folder_name=folder_name, ranked=row.ranked, weight=row.weight, ) ) elif row.map_params is not None: try: params = json.loads(row.map_params) map_type = params["type"] if map_type == "neroxis": map_list.append( NeroxisGeneratedMap.of(params, row.weight) ) else: self._logger.warning( "Unsupported map type %s in pool %s", map_type, ) except Exception: self._logger.warning( "Failed to load map in map pool %d. " "Parameters are '%s'",, row.map_params, exc_info=True ) return map_pool_maps async def fetch_matchmaker_queues(self, conn): result = await conn.execute( select(, matchmaker_queue.c.technical_name, matchmaker_queue.c.team_size, matchmaker_queue.c.params, matchmaker_queue_map_pool.c.map_pool_id, matchmaker_queue_map_pool.c.min_rating, matchmaker_queue_map_pool.c.max_rating, game_featuredMods.c.gamemod, leaderboard.c.technical_name.label("rating_type") ) .select_from( matchmaker_queue .join(matchmaker_queue_map_pool) .join(game_featuredMods) .join(leaderboard) ).where(matchmaker_queue.c.enabled == true()) ) # So we don't log the same error multiple times when a queue has several # map pools errored = set() matchmaker_queues = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for row in result: name = row.technical_name if name in errored: continue info = matchmaker_queues[name] try: info["id"] = info["mod"] = row.gamemod info["rating_type"] = row.rating_type info["team_size"] = row.team_size info["params"] = json.loads(row.params) if row.params else None info["map_pools"].append(( row.map_pool_id, row.min_rating, row.max_rating )) except Exception: self._logger.warning( "Unable to load queue '%s'!", name, exc_info=True ) del matchmaker_queues[name] errored.add(name) return matchmaker_queues async def fetch_rating_peak(self, rating_type): async with self._db.acquire() as conn: result = await conn.execute( select( leaderboard_rating_journal.c.rating_mean_before, leaderboard_rating_journal.c.rating_deviation_before ) .select_from(leaderboard_rating_journal.join(leaderboard)) .where(leaderboard.c.technical_name == rating_type) .order_by( .limit(1000) ) rows = result.fetchall() rowcount = len(rows) rating_peak = 1000.0 if rowcount > 0: rating_peak = statistics.mean( row.rating_mean_before - 3 * row.rating_deviation_before for row in rows ) metrics.leaderboard_rating_peak.labels(rating_type).set(rating_peak) if rowcount < 100: self._logger.warning( "Could only fetch %s ratings for %s queue.", rowcount, rating_type ) if rating_peak < 600 or rating_peak > 1200: self._logger.warning( "Estimated rating peak for %s is %s. This could lead to issues with matchmaking.", rating_type, rating_peak ) else: "Estimated rating peak for %s is %s.", rating_type, rating_peak ) return rating_peak def start_search( self, players: list[Player], queue_name: str, on_matched: OnMatchedCallback = lambda _1, _2: None ): if not self._allow_new_searches: raise DisabledError() timeouts = self.violation_service.get_violations(players) if timeouts: self._logger.debug("timeouts: %s", timeouts) times = [ { "player":, "expires_at": violation.get_ban_expiration().isoformat() } for p, violation in timeouts.items() ] for player in players: player.write_message({ "command": "search_timeout", "timeouts": times }) # TODO: Do we need this or is `search_timeout` enough? player.write_message({ "command": "search_info", "queue_name": queue_name, "state": "stop" }) # For compatibility with clients that don't understand # `search_timeout` only. This may be removed at any time. if len(times) == 1: s = "" are = "is" else: s = "s" are = "are" names = ", ".join(p.login for p in timeouts) max_time = humanize.naturaldelta( max( timeouts.values(), key=lambda v: v.get_ban_expiration() ).get_remaining() ) # DEPRECATED: Use `search_timeout` instead player.write_message({ "command": "notice", "style": "info", "text": f"Player{s} {names} {are} timed out for {max_time}" }) return # Cancel any existing searches that players have for this queue for player in players: if queue_name in self._searches[player]: self._cancel_search(player, queue_name) queue = self.queues[queue_name] search = Search( players, rating_type=queue.rating_type, on_matched=on_matched ) for player in players: player.state = PlayerState.SEARCHING_LADDER self.write_rating_progress(player, queue.rating_type) player.write_message({ "command": "search_info", "queue_name": queue_name, "state": "start" }) self._searches[player][queue_name] = search"%s started searching for %s", search, queue_name) asyncio.create_task( def cancel_search( self, initiator: Player, queue_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: if queue_name is None: queue_names = list(self._searches[initiator].keys()) else: queue_names = [queue_name] for queue_name in queue_names: self._cancel_search(initiator, queue_name) def _cancel_search(self, initiator: Player, queue_name: str) -> None: """ Cancel search for a specific player/queue. """ cancelled_search = self._clear_search(initiator, queue_name) if cancelled_search is None: self._logger.debug( "Ignoring request to cancel a search that does not exist: " "%s, %s", initiator, queue_name ) return cancelled_search.cancel() for player in cancelled_search.players: player.write_message({ "command": "search_info", "queue_name": queue_name, "state": "stop" }) if ( not self._searches[player] and player.state == PlayerState.SEARCHING_LADDER ): player.state = PlayerState.IDLE "%s stopped searching for %s", cancelled_search, queue_name ) def _clear_search( self, initiator: Player, queue_name: str ) -> Optional[Search]: """ Remove a search from the searches dictionary. Does NOT cancel the search. """ search = self._searches[initiator].get(queue_name) if search is not None: for player in search.players: del self._searches[player][queue_name] return search def write_rating_progress(self, player: Player, rating_type: str) -> None: if player not in self._informed_players: self._informed_players.add(player) _, deviation = player.ratings[rating_type] if deviation > 490: player.write_message({ "command": "notice", "style": "info", "text": ( "<i>Welcome to the matchmaker</i><br><br><b>The " "matchmaking system needs to calibrate your skill level; " "your first few games may be more imbalanced as the " "system attempts to learn your capability as a player." "</b><br><b>" "Afterwards, you'll be more reliably matched up with " "people of your skill level: so don't worry if your " "first few games are uneven. This will improve as you " "play!</b>" ) }) def on_match_found( self, s1: Search, s2: Search, queue: MatchmakerQueue ) -> None: """ Callback for when a match is generated by a matchmaker queue. NOTE: This function is called while the matchmaker search lock is held, so it should only perform fast operations. """ try: msg = {"command": "match_found", "queue_name":} for player in s1.players + s2.players: player.state = PlayerState.STARTING_AUTOMATCH player.write_message(msg) # Cancel any other searches queue_names = list( name for name in self._searches[player].keys() if name != ) for queue_name in queue_names: self._cancel_search(player, queue_name) self._clear_search(player, asyncio.create_task(self.start_game(s1.players, s2.players, queue)) except Exception: self._logger.exception( "Error processing match between searches %s, and %s", s1, s2 ) def start_game( self, team1: list[Player], team2: list[Player], queue: MatchmakerQueue ) -> Awaitable[None]: # We want assertion errors to trigger when the caller attempts to # create the async function, not when the function starts executing. assert len(team1) == len(team2) return self._start_game(team1, team2, queue) async def _start_game( self, team1: list[Player], team2: list[Player], queue: MatchmakerQueue ) -> None: self._logger.debug( "Starting %s game between %s and %s",, [p.login for p in team1], [p.login for p in team2] ) game = None try: host = team1[0] all_players = team1 + team2 all_guests = all_players[1:] played_map_ids = await self.get_game_history( all_players,, limit=config.LADDER_ANTI_REPETITION_LIMIT ) def get_displayed_rating(player: Player) -> float: return player.ratings[queue.rating_type].displayed() ratings = (get_displayed_rating(player) for player in all_players) func = MAP_POOL_RATING_SELECTION_FUNCTIONS.get( config.MAP_POOL_RATING_SELECTION, statistics.mean ) rating = func(ratings) pool = queue.get_map_pool_for_rating(rating) if not pool: raise RuntimeError(f"No map pool available for rating {rating}!") game_map = pool.choose_map(played_map_ids) game = self.game_service.create_game( game_class=LadderGame, game_mode=queue.featured_mod, host=host, name="Matchmaker Game", map=game_map,, rating_type=queue.rating_type, max_players=len(all_players), ) game.init_mode = InitMode.AUTO_LOBBY game.set_name_unchecked(game_name(team1, team2)) team1 = sorted(team1, key=get_displayed_rating) team2 = sorted(team2, key=get_displayed_rating) # Shuffle the teams such that direct opponents remain the same zipped_teams = list(zip(team1, team2)) random.shuffle(zipped_teams) for i, player in enumerate( player for pair in zipped_teams for player in pair ): # FA uses lua and lua arrays are 1-indexed slot = i + 1 # 2 if even, 3 if odd team = (i % 2) + 2 = game # Set player options without triggering the logic for # determining that players have actually connected to the game. game._player_options[]["Faction"] = player.faction.value game._player_options[]["Team"] = team game._player_options[]["StartSpot"] = slot game._player_options[]["Army"] = slot game._player_options[]["Color"] = slot game_options = queue.get_game_options() if game_options: game.game_options.update(game_options) self._logger.debug("Starting ladder game: %s", game) def make_game_options(player: Player) -> GameLaunchOptions: return GameLaunchOptions( mapname=game_map.folder_name, expected_players=len(all_players), game_options=game_options, team=game.get_player_option(, "Team"), faction=game.get_player_option(, "Faction"), map_position=game.get_player_option(, "StartSpot") ) await self.launch_match(game, host, all_guests, make_game_options) self._logger.debug("Ladder game launched successfully %s", game) metrics.matches.labels(, MatchLaunch.SUCCESSFUL).inc() except Exception as e: abandoning_players = [] if isinstance(e, NotConnectedError): "Ladder game failed to start! %s setup timed out", game ) metrics.matches.labels(, MatchLaunch.TIMED_OUT).inc() abandoning_players = e.players elif isinstance(e, GameClosedError): "Ladder game %s failed to start! " "Player %s closed their game instance", game, e.player ) metrics.matches.labels(, MatchLaunch.ABORTED_BY_PLAYER).inc() abandoning_players = [e.player] else: # All timeout errors should be transformed by the match starter. assert not isinstance(e, asyncio.TimeoutError) self._logger.exception("Ladder game failed to start %s", game) metrics.matches.labels(, MatchLaunch.ERRORED).inc() if game: await game.on_game_finish() game_id = if game else None msg = {"command": "match_cancelled", "game_id": game_id} for player in all_players: player.write_message(msg) if abandoning_players: "Players failed to connect: %s", abandoning_players ) self.violation_service.register_violations(abandoning_players) async def launch_match( self, game: LadderGame, host: Player, guests: list[Player], make_game_options: Callable[[Player], GameLaunchOptions] ): # Launch the host if host.lobby_connection is None: raise NotConnectedError([host]) host.lobby_connection.write_launch_game( game, is_host=True, options=make_game_options(host) ) try: await game.wait_hosted(60) except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise NotConnectedError([host]) finally: # TODO: Once the client supports `match_cancelled`, don't # send `launch_game` to the client if the host timed out. Until # then, failing to send `launch_game` will cause the client to # think it is searching for ladder, even though the server has # already removed it from the queue. # Launch the guests not_connected_guests = [ player for player in guests if player.lobby_connection is None ] if not_connected_guests: raise NotConnectedError(not_connected_guests) for guest in guests: assert guest.lobby_connection is not None guest.lobby_connection.write_launch_game( game, is_host=False, options=make_game_options(guest) ) try: await game.wait_launched(60 + 10 * len(guests)) except asyncio.TimeoutError: connected_players = game.get_connected_players() raise NotConnectedError([ player for player in guests if player not in connected_players ]) async def get_game_history( self, players: list[Player], queue_id: int, limit: int = 3 ) -> list[int]: async with self._db.acquire() as conn: result = [] for player in players: query = select( game_stats.c.mapId, ).select_from( game_player_stats .join(game_stats) .join(matchmaker_queue_game) ).where( and_( game_player_stats.c.playerId ==, game_stats.c.startTime >= func.DATE_SUB(, text("interval 1 day") ), matchmaker_queue_game.c.matchmaker_queue_id == queue_id ) ).order_by( game_stats.c.startTime.desc(), # Timestamps only have second resolution, so for this to # work correctly in the unit tests we also need id ).limit(limit) result.extend([ row.mapId for row in await conn.execute(query) ]) return result def on_connection_lost(self, conn: "LobbyConnection") -> None: if not conn.player: return player = conn.player self.cancel_search(player) del self._searches[player] if player in self._informed_players: self._informed_players.remove(player) async def graceful_shutdown(self): self._allow_new_searches = False for queue in self.queues.values(): queue.shutdown() for player, searches in self._searches.items(): for queue_name in list(searches.keys()): self._cancel_search(player, queue_name)
Service responsible for managing the automatches. Does matchmaking, updates statistics, and launches the games.
def cancel_search(self,
initiator: Player,
queue_name: str | None = None) ‑> None-
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def cancel_search( self, initiator: Player, queue_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: if queue_name is None: queue_names = list(self._searches[initiator].keys()) else: queue_names = [queue_name] for queue_name in queue_names: self._cancel_search(initiator, queue_name)
async def fetch_map_pools(self, conn) ‑> dict[int, tuple[str, list[Map]]]
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async def fetch_map_pools(self, conn) -> dict[int, tuple[str, list[Map]]]: result = await conn.execute( select(,, map_pool_map_version.c.weight, map_pool_map_version.c.map_params,"map_id"), map_version.c.filename, map_version.c.ranked, ).select_from( map_pool.outerjoin(map_pool_map_version) .outerjoin(map_version) ) ) map_pool_maps = {} for row in result: id_ = name = if id_ not in map_pool_maps: map_pool_maps[id_] = (name, list()) _, map_list = map_pool_maps[id_] if row.map_id is not None: # Database filenames contain the maps/ prefix and .zip suffix. # This comes from the content server which hosts the files at # folder_name = re.match(r"maps/(.+)\.zip", row.filename).group(1) map_list.append( Map( id=row.map_id, folder_name=folder_name, ranked=row.ranked, weight=row.weight, ) ) elif row.map_params is not None: try: params = json.loads(row.map_params) map_type = params["type"] if map_type == "neroxis": map_list.append( NeroxisGeneratedMap.of(params, row.weight) ) else: self._logger.warning( "Unsupported map type %s in pool %s", map_type, ) except Exception: self._logger.warning( "Failed to load map in map pool %d. " "Parameters are '%s'",, row.map_params, exc_info=True ) return map_pool_maps
async def fetch_matchmaker_queues(self, conn)
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async def fetch_matchmaker_queues(self, conn): result = await conn.execute( select(, matchmaker_queue.c.technical_name, matchmaker_queue.c.team_size, matchmaker_queue.c.params, matchmaker_queue_map_pool.c.map_pool_id, matchmaker_queue_map_pool.c.min_rating, matchmaker_queue_map_pool.c.max_rating, game_featuredMods.c.gamemod, leaderboard.c.technical_name.label("rating_type") ) .select_from( matchmaker_queue .join(matchmaker_queue_map_pool) .join(game_featuredMods) .join(leaderboard) ).where(matchmaker_queue.c.enabled == true()) ) # So we don't log the same error multiple times when a queue has several # map pools errored = set() matchmaker_queues = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for row in result: name = row.technical_name if name in errored: continue info = matchmaker_queues[name] try: info["id"] = info["mod"] = row.gamemod info["rating_type"] = row.rating_type info["team_size"] = row.team_size info["params"] = json.loads(row.params) if row.params else None info["map_pools"].append(( row.map_pool_id, row.min_rating, row.max_rating )) except Exception: self._logger.warning( "Unable to load queue '%s'!", name, exc_info=True ) del matchmaker_queues[name] errored.add(name) return matchmaker_queues
async def fetch_rating_peak(self, rating_type)
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async def fetch_rating_peak(self, rating_type): async with self._db.acquire() as conn: result = await conn.execute( select( leaderboard_rating_journal.c.rating_mean_before, leaderboard_rating_journal.c.rating_deviation_before ) .select_from(leaderboard_rating_journal.join(leaderboard)) .where(leaderboard.c.technical_name == rating_type) .order_by( .limit(1000) ) rows = result.fetchall() rowcount = len(rows) rating_peak = 1000.0 if rowcount > 0: rating_peak = statistics.mean( row.rating_mean_before - 3 * row.rating_deviation_before for row in rows ) metrics.leaderboard_rating_peak.labels(rating_type).set(rating_peak) if rowcount < 100: self._logger.warning( "Could only fetch %s ratings for %s queue.", rowcount, rating_type ) if rating_peak < 600 or rating_peak > 1200: self._logger.warning( "Estimated rating peak for %s is %s. This could lead to issues with matchmaking.", rating_type, rating_peak ) else: "Estimated rating peak for %s is %s.", rating_type, rating_peak ) return rating_peak
async def get_game_history(self,
players: list[Player],
queue_id: int,
limit: int = 3) ‑> list[int]-
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async def get_game_history( self, players: list[Player], queue_id: int, limit: int = 3 ) -> list[int]: async with self._db.acquire() as conn: result = [] for player in players: query = select( game_stats.c.mapId, ).select_from( game_player_stats .join(game_stats) .join(matchmaker_queue_game) ).where( and_( game_player_stats.c.playerId ==, game_stats.c.startTime >= func.DATE_SUB(, text("interval 1 day") ), matchmaker_queue_game.c.matchmaker_queue_id == queue_id ) ).order_by( game_stats.c.startTime.desc(), # Timestamps only have second resolution, so for this to # work correctly in the unit tests we also need id ).limit(limit) result.extend([ row.mapId for row in await conn.execute(query) ]) return result
async def launch_match(self,
game: LadderGame,
host: Player,
guests: list[Player],
make_game_options: Callable[[Player], GameLaunchOptions])-
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async def launch_match( self, game: LadderGame, host: Player, guests: list[Player], make_game_options: Callable[[Player], GameLaunchOptions] ): # Launch the host if host.lobby_connection is None: raise NotConnectedError([host]) host.lobby_connection.write_launch_game( game, is_host=True, options=make_game_options(host) ) try: await game.wait_hosted(60) except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise NotConnectedError([host]) finally: # TODO: Once the client supports `match_cancelled`, don't # send `launch_game` to the client if the host timed out. Until # then, failing to send `launch_game` will cause the client to # think it is searching for ladder, even though the server has # already removed it from the queue. # Launch the guests not_connected_guests = [ player for player in guests if player.lobby_connection is None ] if not_connected_guests: raise NotConnectedError(not_connected_guests) for guest in guests: assert guest.lobby_connection is not None guest.lobby_connection.write_launch_game( game, is_host=False, options=make_game_options(guest) ) try: await game.wait_launched(60 + 10 * len(guests)) except asyncio.TimeoutError: connected_players = game.get_connected_players() raise NotConnectedError([ player for player in guests if player not in connected_players ])
def on_match_found(self,
s1: Search,
s2: Search,
queue: MatchmakerQueue) ‑> None-
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def on_match_found( self, s1: Search, s2: Search, queue: MatchmakerQueue ) -> None: """ Callback for when a match is generated by a matchmaker queue. NOTE: This function is called while the matchmaker search lock is held, so it should only perform fast operations. """ try: msg = {"command": "match_found", "queue_name":} for player in s1.players + s2.players: player.state = PlayerState.STARTING_AUTOMATCH player.write_message(msg) # Cancel any other searches queue_names = list( name for name in self._searches[player].keys() if name != ) for queue_name in queue_names: self._cancel_search(player, queue_name) self._clear_search(player, asyncio.create_task(self.start_game(s1.players, s2.players, queue)) except Exception: self._logger.exception( "Error processing match between searches %s, and %s", s1, s2 )
Callback for when a match is generated by a matchmaker queue.
NOTE: This function is called while the matchmaker search lock is held, so it should only perform fast operations.
def start_game(self,
team1: list[Player],
team2: list[Player],
queue: MatchmakerQueue) ‑> Awaitable[None]-
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def start_game( self, team1: list[Player], team2: list[Player], queue: MatchmakerQueue ) -> Awaitable[None]: # We want assertion errors to trigger when the caller attempts to # create the async function, not when the function starts executing. assert len(team1) == len(team2) return self._start_game(team1, team2, queue)
def start_search(self,
players: list[Player],
queue_name: str,
on_matched: Callable[[ForwardRef('Search'), ForwardRef('Search')], Any] = <function LadderService.<lambda>>)-
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def start_search( self, players: list[Player], queue_name: str, on_matched: OnMatchedCallback = lambda _1, _2: None ): if not self._allow_new_searches: raise DisabledError() timeouts = self.violation_service.get_violations(players) if timeouts: self._logger.debug("timeouts: %s", timeouts) times = [ { "player":, "expires_at": violation.get_ban_expiration().isoformat() } for p, violation in timeouts.items() ] for player in players: player.write_message({ "command": "search_timeout", "timeouts": times }) # TODO: Do we need this or is `search_timeout` enough? player.write_message({ "command": "search_info", "queue_name": queue_name, "state": "stop" }) # For compatibility with clients that don't understand # `search_timeout` only. This may be removed at any time. if len(times) == 1: s = "" are = "is" else: s = "s" are = "are" names = ", ".join(p.login for p in timeouts) max_time = humanize.naturaldelta( max( timeouts.values(), key=lambda v: v.get_ban_expiration() ).get_remaining() ) # DEPRECATED: Use `search_timeout` instead player.write_message({ "command": "notice", "style": "info", "text": f"Player{s} {names} {are} timed out for {max_time}" }) return # Cancel any existing searches that players have for this queue for player in players: if queue_name in self._searches[player]: self._cancel_search(player, queue_name) queue = self.queues[queue_name] search = Search( players, rating_type=queue.rating_type, on_matched=on_matched ) for player in players: player.state = PlayerState.SEARCHING_LADDER self.write_rating_progress(player, queue.rating_type) player.write_message({ "command": "search_info", "queue_name": queue_name, "state": "start" }) self._searches[player][queue_name] = search"%s started searching for %s", search, queue_name) asyncio.create_task(
async def update_data(self) ‑> None
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async def update_data(self) -> None: async with self._db.acquire() as conn: map_pool_maps = await self.fetch_map_pools(conn) db_queues = await self.fetch_matchmaker_queues(conn) for name, info in db_queues.items(): if name not in self.queues: queue = MatchmakerQueue( self.game_service, self.on_match_found, name=name, queue_id=info["id"], featured_mod=info["mod"], rating_type=info["rating_type"], team_size=info["team_size"], params=info.get("params") ) self.queues[name] = queue queue.initialize() else: queue = self.queues[name] queue.featured_mod = info["mod"] queue.rating_type = info["rating_type"] queue.team_size = info["team_size"] queue.rating_peak = await self.fetch_rating_peak(info["rating_type"]) queue.map_pools.clear() for map_pool_id, min_rating, max_rating in info["map_pools"]: map_pool_name, map_list = map_pool_maps[map_pool_id] if not map_list: self._logger.warning( "Map pool '%s' is empty! Some %s games will " "likely fail to start!", map_pool_name, name ) queue.add_map_pool( MapPool(map_pool_id, map_pool_name, map_list), min_rating, max_rating ) # Remove queues that don't exist anymore for queue_name in list(self.queues.keys()): if queue_name not in db_queues: self.queues[queue_name].shutdown() del self.queues[queue_name]
def write_rating_progress(self,
player: Player,
rating_type: str) ‑> None-
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def write_rating_progress(self, player: Player, rating_type: str) -> None: if player not in self._informed_players: self._informed_players.add(player) _, deviation = player.ratings[rating_type] if deviation > 490: player.write_message({ "command": "notice", "style": "info", "text": ( "<i>Welcome to the matchmaker</i><br><br><b>The " "matchmaking system needs to calibrate your skill level; " "your first few games may be more imbalanced as the " "system attempts to learn your capability as a player." "</b><br><b>" "Afterwards, you'll be more reliably matched up with " "people of your skill level: so don't worry if your " "first few games are uneven. This will improve as you " "play!</b>" ) })
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