Module server.config
Server config variables
def set_log_level()
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def set_log_level(): logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(config.LOG_LEVEL)
class ConfigurationStore
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@with_logger class ConfigurationStore: def __init__(self): """ Change default values here. """ self.CONFIGURATION_REFRESH_TIME = 300 self.LISTEN = [ { "ADDRESS": "", "PORT": 8001, "NAME": None, "PROTOCOL": "QDataStreamProtocol", "PROXY": False, }, { "ADDRESS": "", "PORT": 8002, "NAME": None, "PROTOCOL": "SimpleJsonProtocol", "PROXY": False } ] self.LOG_LEVEL = "DEBUG" # Whether or not to use uvloop as a drop-in replacement for asyncio's # default event loop self.USE_UVLOOP = True self.PROFILING_COUNT = 300 self.PROFILING_DURATION = 2 self.PROFILING_INTERVAL = -1 self.DIRTY_REPORT_INTERVAL = 1 self.PING_INTERVAL = 45 # How many seconds to wait for games to end before doing a hard shutdown. # If using kubernetes, you must set terminationGracePeriodSeconds # on the pod to be larger than this value. With docker compose, use # --timeout (-t) to set a longer timeout. self.SHUTDOWN_GRACE_PERIOD = 30 * 60 self.SHUTDOWN_KICK_IDLE_PLAYERS = False self.CONTROL_SERVER_PORT = 4000 self.HEALTH_SERVER_PORT = 2000 self.METRICS_PORT = 8011 self.ENABLE_METRICS = False self.DB_SERVER = "" self.DB_PORT = 3306 self.DB_LOGIN = "root" self.DB_PASSWORD = "banana" self.DB_NAME = "faf" # An empty value will disable the database version check self.DB_FLYWAY_TABLE = "flyway_schema_history" self.API_CLIENT_ID = "client_id" self.API_CLIENT_SECRET = "banana" self.API_TOKEN_URI = "" self.API_BASE_URL = "" # Location of the OAuth jwks self.HYDRA_JWKS_URI = "" self.MQ_USER = "faf-python-server" self.MQ_PASSWORD = "banana" self.MQ_SERVER = "" self.MQ_PORT = 5672 self.MQ_VHOST = "/faf-core" self.MQ_EXCHANGE_NAME = "faf-rabbitmq" self.WWW_URL = "" self.CONTENT_URL = "" self.FAF_POLICY_SERVER_BASE_URL = "http://faf-policy-server" self.USE_POLICY_SERVER = True self.ALLOW_PASSWORD_LOGIN = True # How many seconds a connection has to authenticate before being killed self.LOGIN_TIMEOUT = 5 * 60 self.NEWBIE_BASE_MEAN = 500 self.NEWBIE_MIN_GAMES = 10 self.START_RATING_MEAN = 1500 self.START_RATING_DEV = 500 self.RATING_ADJUSTMENT_MAX_RATING = 1400 self.HIGH_RATED_PLAYER_MIN_RATING = 1400 self.TOP_PLAYER_MIN_RATING = 2000 # Values for the custom (i.e. not trueskill) game quality metric used by the matchmaker self.MINIMUM_GAME_QUALITY = 0.4 # Difference of cumulated rating of the teams self.MAXIMUM_RATING_IMBALANCE = 250 # stdev of the ratings of all participating players self.MAXIMUM_RATING_DEVIATION = 250 # Quality bonus for each failed matching attempt per full team self.TIME_BONUS = 0.01 self.MAXIMUM_TIME_BONUS = 0.2 self.NEWBIE_TIME_BONUS = 0.25 self.MAXIMUM_NEWBIE_TIME_BONUS = 3.0 self.MINORITY_BONUS = 1 self.MINORITY_BONUS_RATING_RANGE = 1250 self.GEO_IP_DATABASE_PATH = "GeoLite2-Country.mmdb" self.GEO_IP_DATABASE_URL = "" self.GEO_IP_LICENSE_KEY = "" self.GEO_IP_DATABASE_MAX_AGE_DAYS = 22 self.LADDER_1V1_OUTCOME_OVERRIDE = True self.LADDER_ANTI_REPETITION_LIMIT = 2 self.LADDER_SEARCH_EXPANSION_MAX = 0.25 self.LADDER_SEARCH_EXPANSION_STEP = 0.05 self.LADDER_TOP_PLAYER_SEARCH_EXPANSION_MAX = 0.3 self.LADDER_TOP_PLAYER_SEARCH_EXPANSION_STEP = 0.15 self.LADDER_NEWBIE_SEARCH_EXPANSION_MAX = 0.6 self.LADDER_NEWBIE_SEARCH_EXPANSION_STEP = 0.1 # The method for choosing map pool rating # Can be "mean", "min", or "max" self.MAP_POOL_RATING_SELECTION = "mean" # The maximum amount of time in seconds to wait between pops self.QUEUE_POP_TIME_MAX = 90 # The minimum amount of time in seconds to wait between pops self.QUEUE_POP_TIME_MIN = 15 # The number of possible matches we would like to have when the queue # pops. The queue pop time will be adjusted based on the current rate of # players queuing to try and hit this number. self.QUEUE_POP_DESIRED_MATCHES = 2.5 # How many previous queue sizes to consider self.QUEUE_POP_TIME_MOVING_AVG_SIZE = 5 self.LADDER_VIOLATIONS_ENABLED = True # How many violations are needed to trigger a temporary ban from queuing self.LADDER_VIOLATIONS_BAN_THRESHOLD = 2 # Number of seconds that each temporary ban lasts self.LADDER_VIOLATIONS_BAN_DURATION = 1800 # Number of seconds that the first temporary ban lasts. By default the # ban for the first violation is shorter than the following bans. self.LADDER_VIOLATIONS_FIRST_BAN_DURATION = 600 # Number of seconds needed since last violation to reset the counter self.LADDER_VIOLATIONS_RESET_TIME = 3600 self._defaults = { key: value for key, value in vars(self).items() if key.isupper() } self._callbacks: dict[str, Callable] = {} self.refresh() def refresh(self) -> None: new_values = self._defaults.copy() # Add fallback values from environment. # NOTE: Only works for string values! for key in new_values: value = os.getenv(key) if value is not None: new_values[key] = value config_file = os.getenv("CONFIGURATION_FILE") if config_file is not None: try: with open(config_file) as f: new_values.update(yaml.safe_load(f)) except FileNotFoundError: self._logger.warning( "No configuration file found at %s", config_file ) except TypeError: "Configuration file at %s appears to be empty", config_file ) triggered_callback_keys = tuple( key for key in new_values if key in self._callbacks and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) != new_values[key] ) for key, new_value in new_values.items(): old_value = getattr(self, key, None) if new_value != old_value: "New value for %s: %r -> %r", key, old_value, new_value ) setattr(self, key, new_value) for key in triggered_callback_keys: self._dispatch_callback(key) def register_callback(self, key: str, callback: Callable) -> None: self._callbacks[key.upper()] = callback def _dispatch_callback(self, key: str) -> None: callback = self._callbacks[key] if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(callback): asyncio.create_task(callback()) else: callback()
Change default values here.
def refresh(self) ‑> None
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def refresh(self) -> None: new_values = self._defaults.copy() # Add fallback values from environment. # NOTE: Only works for string values! for key in new_values: value = os.getenv(key) if value is not None: new_values[key] = value config_file = os.getenv("CONFIGURATION_FILE") if config_file is not None: try: with open(config_file) as f: new_values.update(yaml.safe_load(f)) except FileNotFoundError: self._logger.warning( "No configuration file found at %s", config_file ) except TypeError: "Configuration file at %s appears to be empty", config_file ) triggered_callback_keys = tuple( key for key in new_values if key in self._callbacks and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) != new_values[key] ) for key, new_value in new_values.items(): old_value = getattr(self, key, None) if new_value != old_value: "New value for %s: %r -> %r", key, old_value, new_value ) setattr(self, key, new_value) for key in triggered_callback_keys: self._dispatch_callback(key)
def register_callback(self, key: str, callback: Callable) ‑> None
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def register_callback(self, key: str, callback: Callable) -> None: self._callbacks[key.upper()] = callback