Game version 3756 (18th of March, 2023)

Hopefully this is the last hotfix for now. Includes various fixes of recent and longstanding bugs.



  • (#4770) Overhaul of the cheat menu The menu now inherits from the Window class, as a result it can be moved around and rescaled. Units can now be dragged into the game, instead of the old box spawn formation. Includes a section to spawn in props, meshes and a new section to preview and spawn in entire templates.

    This was long over due. The new cheat window is completely configurable, note the little wench next to the title.

Bug fixes

  • (#4805) Fix orientation of structures being applied multiple times after gifting or capturing

  • (#4793) Fix disabling of the tabs (in the center) when you are in a replay and your focus army is defeated

  • (#4806) Fix lingering draggers around window controls such as the chat and console window

  • (#4807) Add a check before applying a platoon function to fix a co-op problem

  • (#4804, #4813) Fix various options not listening to the game settings This includes the following options:

    • Options for the water depth indicator
    • Options for the plane height indicator
    • Toggle for rendering mouse positions when observing
  • (#4809) Re-order the sync in an attempt to mitigate ‘unknown results’ of ladder games

  • (#4812) Fix overcharge damage not scaling with your power supply

Other changes

  • (#4795) Lobby option to share unit cap now defaults to share the unit cap to all allies

  • (#4800) Auto-hide the mass fab panel when you change to the observers view

  • (#4789) Forward the old ACU-kill event to the UI layer
